Click Here to Sign this Pledge and say NO to AGL’s dirty Gas Plan NOW
AGL is still making plans to build a gas import terminal in beautiful Westernport Bay. AGL has admitted that by processing LNG and building their outdated gas pipeline, they would routinely destroy Westernport’s precious wetlands and wildlife.
AGL’s imported gas would produce 30% more carbon than local gas.
It’s a classic case of profit over people and planet.
That’s why this community says NO!
Save Westernport and Environment Victoria are working with local groups to make sure our voice of opposition is heard.
Take Action, SIGN NOW
We deserve the sustainable energy forms and fair prices that Government and industry have been promising for decades now!
Support the fight to protect Westernport Bay from AGL’s corporate exploitation and unnecessary industry. Now is the time to ramp up pressure and hold AGL accountable for the damage their plans will cause to these precious ecosystems.
As an AGL customer or potential customer, AGL cares about what you say and do. IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT THEIR PLANS, THEN DON’T SUPPORT AGL!
You can use your voice to hit them where it hurts by signing the Pledge NOW
Send a message to AGL to register your concern as a customer or potential customer; if they want your business, they need to dump their dirty gas project.
On behalf of nine groups including Save Westernport, Phillip Island Conservation Society (PICS), Westernport and Peninsula Protection Council (WPPC), Friends of French Island (FOFI) and Environment Victoria, this open letter was delivered to AGL board members and shareholders at the 2019 AGL annual general meeting.
The joint letter stated that community opposition to this project continues to grow, and demands AGL to DUMP their dirty gas plan.
Now we need to keep the pressure up, and as a customer or potential customer, you can influence what AGL does.
Let’s seize this moment and let AGL know it’s not just shareholders and the local community around Westernport Bay who want AGL to do better on climate – customers and potential customers across Victoria do too.
You can help protect our climate and our precious marine sanctuary by permanently boycotting AGL if they go ahead with this dirty plan.
Put AGL on notice by signing this pledge NOW
We can make this action even more powerful if we get more people on board. Can you help by sharing this message with five or more friends? Please follow this link and share it.
Are you a Member of Save Westernport yet? Join NOW by filling in the form at the end of the Take Action page here.
Thank You