AGL has plans to permanently moor a floating storage regasification unit at Crib Point in Westernport Bay. The factory-ship a whopping 300m long x 45m wide. Tankers coming in and out of the bay would endanger Whales, Dolphins, Seals and other critters that call the bay home. On top of that the regasification process would suck in 450 million litres of organism rich seawater every day, chlorinate it and then spew out dead water 7 degrees cooler than the ambient temperature. We believe the life of the Bay is too fragile and too precious to be used in this way.


We recognise that the Lands and Waters of Westernport Bay (also known as “Warn Mar ’ing” ) belong to the Boonerong People of the Kulin Nation. We offer our respect to the Elders, past and emerging. Through gratitude and connection, we are guided into relationship with this place and its history, and our place within it.

Our connectedness with the Bay and the life it nurtures provides our lives with qualities of healing, repose and joy.
The ecosystems of the non-built world hold an inherent value that is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of the people. A deep-rooted connection to this place and a fervent belief in the potential of community propels us forward. The power of community has at its heart an implicit duty to care and inclusivity.
To answer the question “How can we bring the essence of why we care into action”, we aim to actively celebrate the ecosystems of the non-built world, and to protect them from exploitation and degradation.
We welcome you with open hearts, and encourage your participation in the campaign to Save Westernport from the encroaching pressures of inappropriate development and greed.