A State election is less than two months away.
Now that the AGL-APA proposal is on Minister Wynne’s desk, we must involve the media to put pressure on him and get our message out.
People need to know what’s happening: THAT WE REJECT THIS PROPOSAL
Please keep contacting the media
3AW phone number: 96900693
ABC Radio 774 for John Faine Mornings Or Raphael Epstein 3pm
talkback: 1300222774 or text: 0437774774
Paul Murray: pmurray@skynews.com.au
The Age: 03 8667 2000
Story suggestion newsdesk@theage.com.au
Letters to The Age letters@theage.com.au
Herald Sun Story suggestion https://www.heraldsun.com.au/help/storytips?nk=19af309d35158678e6ee56b81dd1434d-1537095475
Herald Sun letters to the editor https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/letter-to-the-editor
The Project Channel TEN Future Stories: stories@theprojecttv.com.au
Photos/new stories: yoursay@theprojecttv.com.au
The 7.30 Report: https://m.facebook.com/ABC730/
A Current Affair Channel 9: https://www.9now.com.au/a-current-affair/2017/extras/tell-us-your-story/form/contact-us
ACA Facebook https://m.facebook.com/ACurrentAffair9/
Report Wildlife/environmental Crime:
Report environmental damage EPA:
Search government contacts Website: https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/about/people-in-parliament/members-search/list-all-current-ministers/details/22/146