AGL is still planning to build a polluting and unnecessary gas import terminal in beautiful Westernport Bay that could destroy precious wetlands and endangered wildlife in the process.

It’s a classic case of profit over people and planet.

Working with groups like Environment Victoria, Save Westernport has managed to delay their project twice. Still AGL is refusing to dump their dirty gas plan.

The next year will be key in the fight for Westernport Bay. We need to ramp up pressure and hold AGL accountable for the damage their plan would cause to the Bay’s precious ecosystems and protected marine life.

As a customer or potential customer, AGL cares about what YOU say. It’s time to use your voice to hit them where it hurts!

Take Action Now, Sign this pledge to tell AGL that if they want your business, they’ll have to dump their dirty gas project.

Last week we took the fight to the AGL Board at their AGM in Sydney.

On behalf of nine groups including Save Westernport and Westernport Peninsula Protection Council (WPPC), we delivered an open letter to AGL board members and shareholders. We made it clear community opposition to this project will not go away until AGL bin their dirty gas plan.

But we need to keep the pressure up – and that’s where you come in.

You can help protect our climate and our precious marine sanctuary by permanently blacklisting AGL if they go ahead with this dirty plan.

Take action

As a customer or potential customer, you can influence what AGL does.

Sign this pledge to tell AGL that if they want your business, they have to dump their dirty gas project.

It’s time to use your voice and hit them where it hurts!

Will you send a message to AGL to register your concern as a customer or potential customer?

AGL is already feeling the pressure with more than 30 percent of shareholders calling for AGL to close all its coal-burning power stations by 2030 and set climate targets consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees.

We need to seize this moment and let them know that it’s not just shareholders and the local community around Westernport Bay who want AGL to do better on climate – customers and potential customers across Victoria do too. Put AGL on notice by signing this pledge.


Rai Miralles
And the team at Environment Victoria

PS: We can make this action even more powerful if we get more people on board. Can you help by sharing this message with five (or more) friends?