We are looking back through 15 years worth of family photos camping at Balnarring and trying to find the essence of what is so special about this place for us.
Our kids aged, about 9 and 12, seeing dolphins for the first time, swimming close by as they sailed out on the catamaran. Seeing a humpback whale another time.
The queue of about 10 other kids waiting their turn to go out on said catamaran.
Getting lost on a bush track coming back from the beautiful Coolart Wetlands, talking to my dear friend the whole way and not worried that it is was getting dark.
Trying to draw the dear Fairy Wrens, who are too fast, flitting in and out of the sheoaks.
Swimming at midnight under a full moon, feeling safe in this protected Bay.
While the adults were playing games beside the camp lights, the kids were running around the bush, getting muddy in the creek. Something they will never forget. We had talent shows. We sang together. We sat on the beach feeling like no time would ever pass and this stunningly divine place would stay the same forever and we would look forward to bringing our grandchildren here.
We want the shoreline and the vista to stay pristine and gorgeous as it is now, to be able to see across to Phillip and French Islands. We don’t want to have to apologise to our grandchildren for not doing enough and letting industry spoil something so precious to us, and the flora and fauna of the area. It simply must not happen.
From the Le Fevre Family, submitted by Jo Roszkowski