

Brown coal to hydrogen? Tell Japan HESC no!

March 27, 2024|News|

The Japanese Government is supporting an international consortium to use Victoria’s dirty brown coal to produce hydrogen for export. The Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) project is a climate disaster without a business case or social licence. Westernport’s Port of Hastings is  a major part of the plan. Go here to read more and say NO!

Federal Minister Saves Westernport

February 13, 2024|News|

On December 18, 2023, the Federal Minister for the Environment, Tanya Plibersek made an extraordinary decision to block the Victorian Government proposal to use Hastings and Westernport Bay as the staging post for building the wind turbines for the State’s proposed offshore windfarms in Gippsland. The decision was made in accord with the Environmental Protection Biodiversity & Conservation (EPBC) Act. Read more…

Feds, Citing Environmental Concerns, Reject Port of Hastings as Wind Farm Staging Area

January 17, 2024|News|

“What makes this decision so incredible is that she [Tanya Plibersek, Federal minister for the Environment and Water] has done so using her powers under the EPBC Act where a proposal is so deleterious to the environment that it is ‘clearly unacceptable’ and can be rejected without any further examination.”

Read Save Westernport’s full response here



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